Sleep Apnea Causes Symptoms and Treatment Options

  • Posted On: February 15, 2025
  • Posted By: admin
Sleep Apnea Causes Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by a rhythm of breathing that is regularly disrupted while you are sleeping. One of the symptoms of this problem is repeated breathing. It is possible to divide instances of sleep apnea into three distinct categories: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea. There are three different kinds, and each one of them causes you to momentarily wake up to take a breath before you go back to sleep. Even though you might not even be aware that you are engaging in this behaviour, it may occur dozens or hundreds of times throughout the night.

Symptoms and Causes

The following are examples of common symptoms of sleep apnea:

  • Emerging from sleep on multiple occasions in the middle of the night
  • Pausing of breathing when sleeping (something that a sleeping companion might detect)
  • Patterns of breathing that are not typical, such as rapid breathing that gradually becomes deeper and then shallower again until the breathing pauses and then begins again
  • The act of Snoring
  • Waking up with a feeling of being unable to breathe or as if you are choking
  • Waking up with feelings of weariness, sleepiness, or exhaustion during the day

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

The following are the causes of sleep apnea:

  • The obstruction of airflow in your upper airway when you are sleeping
  • If you have difficulty with the way your brain controls your breathing when you are sleeping

Management and Treatment

Is there a treatment for sleep apnea?

Depending on the type of sleep apnea and the severity of the condition, a healthcare provider will be able to prescribe a variety of treatment choices. Examples of these include:

  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are examples of breathing devices that can be utilized
  • Taking care of any underlying illnesses that put you at risk for sleep apnea or create it in the first place
  • Altering your sleeping position so that you are not lying on your back to prevent pressure from being placed on your airways
  • You can maintain an open airway by using an oral appliance, also known as a mouthpiece
  • By utilizing a neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) device, you can prevent your tongue and upper airway muscles from obstructing your airway while you are sleeping
  • The use of pharmaceuticals
  • Undergoing surgical procedures


Several causes of sleep apnea cannot be prevented. On the other hand, you can take measures to lessen the risk by:

  • Acquiring and sustaining a weight that is suitable for your body for your health
  • Consumption of nutrient-dense foods and participation in regular physical activities
  • Ensuring that you have good sleep hygiene by doing things like establishing a regular bedtime and turning off technological devices
  • Taking care of any preexisting health concerns, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
  • It is recommended that you visit your healthcare practitioner for a checkup at least once a year
  • Avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes containing alcohol


Several people suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea, which makes it difficult for them to breathe while they are sleeping. Someone wakes up just enough to breathe, which disrupts their sleep and prevents them from feeling calm while they are experiencing it. If you are experiencing difficulty adhering to your prescribed therapies, it is of the utmost importance that you consult with your healthcare professional. These individuals can assist you in resolving these issues, allowing you to finally have a restful night’s sleep. So, connect with us and get suitable solutions to your issues!