The disorder known as sleep apnea is characterized by a pattern of breathing that is periodically disrupted while you are sleeping. Occurrences of sleep apnea can be broken down into three categories: obstructive, central, and complicated sleep apnea. Every one of the three varieties causes you to temporarily wake up in order to take a breath before falling back to sleep. It’s possible that you aren’t even conscious that you’re doing this, yet it can happen dozens or even hundreds of times throughout the night.
Sleep apnea is a condition that can affect anyone, from young toddlers and newborns to young adults and even older people. A number of conditions and populations are more likely to be affected by obstructive sleep apnea, including the following:
There is a possibility that you have sleep apnea if you frequently wake up feeling fatigued or if you experience drowsiness during the day. Sleep apnea, as was said before, can cause your body to struggle to take in oxygen throughout the night, which can cause your sleep to be disrupted multiple times. Because of this, it is possible that you will not be able to obtain a decent night’s sleep, which will consequently impede your capacity to operate properly throughout the day.
One of the most typical symptoms of sleep apnea is the occurrence of snoring. You may find that you spend the night tossing and turning, thrashing and kicking, or even jerking away under a tangle of knotted sheets, even if you do not snore. This is something that you may notice even if you do not snore. This is due to the fact that if you are having difficulty breathing, it can cause you to have trouble sleeping, as well as lead to discomfort and tension.
Even though you have been following a healthy diet and activity plan, have you still been unable to successfully lose weight? Because it can cause disruptions in the amounts of stress hormones in your body, sleep apnea may be the cause. As a result of these levels increasing, you can experience feelings of hunger that are not appropriate, or your body might retain excess weight as it gets ready to deal with stress.
Morning headaches can be brought on by sleep apnea, which is characterized by recurrent awakenings during the night. It is possible that you have sleep apnea if you wake up with headaches.
The inability to breathe in air throughout the night can cause your lips and throat to become dry. Be sure to explore the possibility of sleep apnea with your healthcare practitioner if you find that you wake up with a sore throat on a regular basis or if you notice that your mouth is particularly dry when you get up in the morning.
A lot of people have a disease called sleep apnea that makes it hard for them to breathe while they sleep. Someone wakes up just enough to breathe, which interrupts their sleep and keeps them from feeling relaxed. It’s very important that you talk to your healthcare provider if you’re having trouble sticking to your treatments. These people can help you deal with these problems so you can finally get a good night’s sleep.